Ancient India, historical evidence/scriptures are the proof of equivalent status of women to men. She was regarded as the embodiment of "Shakti", worshiped as Mother of whole universe. No yajna was complete in which mean the women, the spouse of the man, did not participate. Even religion like Jainism, Buddhism in ancient time made a great impact in the society. Despite the color system, they spread a message of equality. Great Ruler like "The Ashoka", played a significant role in improving and spreading the message of peace and equality. Mughal era was the time which lowered the situation of women, but solely condemning the mughal is unjustified, Brahminism and interpretation of Vedas, Varna system germinated all these present day illness. Worsen happen when mughal and Arab invader looted the Indian Kingdoms and widows were forced to "Sati" to protect their sacred life. Social reformers Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Ram Krishna Parmhansha, Jyotiba Phule, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar gave every bit of their life to uplift the depressed and the women in sick India.
In 19th Centuary, It was Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar chander Vidya sagar, who got success in getting a law passed by British Government with a consequence Lord William Bentick abolished the Sati Practice and proclaimed as henious act in 1829. Ishawar Chandra Vidyasagar waged a long struggle against widow re-marriage and finally got succed in passing a llegislation, " The HIndu widow Remarriage Act, 1856.
Situation began to change when many women group came upfront during independence struggle of india, Sarojini Naidu, Vijiya Laxmi pandit, Aruna Asaf ali, started the battle for women liberlisation. later on Dr. Ambedkar played an vital role and provide constitutional provision for women.
The Year 1975 has great significance in for the women of the world, U.N.O international women's year and enjoined on all the nation to ensure equality for women and their integration in society. this was the first women's international year and that ignite the blaze to agitate against exploitation and physical and mental molestation. They opposed any kind of discrimination on the basis of gender, they want all the privilege and rights that men have today.
They want to work, want to play, want to study being 50% of world population, isn't descrimination if we don't gave them the fair chance?
With the achievement of Independence, the constitutional maker provide provisions and still house of people and house of state are pledged to have reforms regard this. But still, they are subjected to all kind of evils and crimes like female foeticide and infaticide, child marriage, wage discrimination, neglect in education, deprivation of rights, malnutrition, molestation, rape and even murder. A large number of women are done to death at the altar of dowry every in year in our country. "Khap", Killing of male or female of lower caste for having matrimonial alliance is still a big issue in our country. No place seems to be safe for them -workplace, households and hotels etc.
Constitutional provisions are available, but are we aware of them??
do we know what are fundamental right??
What are special provisions for women in constitutional ??
Constitution of India not only grant equality to women but also to empowers the state to adopt measure of positive discrimination in favor of women for neutralizing teh cumulative socio-economic, educational and political disadvantage faced by them.
.Fundamental Rights, ensure equality among the law, and equal protection of law, prohibits any discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth and guarantees equality of opportunity to all citizens of in matter relating to employement. Article 14, 15, 15(3), 16, 39(a), 39(c), 42, 46, 47, 51(a), 243D(3)(4), and 243 T(3)(4)of constitution.
Crimes Identified under Indian panel court
1. Rape (Sec. 376IPC)
2. Kidnapping and abduction (Sec. 363-373IPC)
3. Homicide for dowry for death and attempts( Sec. 302/ 304-B IPC)
4. Torture Both mental and physical ( Sec. 498-A IPC)
5. Molestation (Sec. 354 IPC)
6. Sexual harasament (Sec. 509 IPC)
7. Importation Of Girls ( upto 21 years of age.)
Although all law are not gender specific, provison of law affecting women significantly have been revied periodically and amendment are carried out to keep pace with emerging requirements. Justice J S Verma report, and today's discussion in parliament is an law making process for such amendments.
few another safeguard for women
1. Hindu Remarriage act 1856
2. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1995
3. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
4. The Contract labor Act, 1976
5. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
6. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
7. The Criminal Law Act, 1983
8. The Plantation Labor Act, 1951.
There are few more rights, but do we actually apprehend these things, do we know about Fundamental Right, do we ever discuss them in school.or college ?? Perhaps, yes but not everybody. what about those rural population, people living in slum, facing atrocity in daily life as above discussed. Equality, Education and inclusive development is primitive need for growing India, else it hardly matter if we prepare new law or amend the earlier one.
Though, Time is changing, womens are enjoing these rights and participating in every field of life and career, political field, sports filed or technology filed women are sharing podium and even doing better, Pratibha Patil,Mamta Didi, Mayawati, Meira Kumar and Sunita Williams are few example. Comparatively with other nations of world, still there is lacuna in number and position in development and improvement. Department of women and child department is somehow now at its best, but we are trying and it need a collabrative effort.
The Year 2001, was celebrated as women empowerment year to bring special focus on programme related to them. Ntional policies are setting up for women and child growth, major polies like CEDAE, NRHM, STEP, RGSEAG.
Despite legislation and Acts such crimes against women are still committed. Eve teasing, wife beating, bride burning, child marriages, all are still prevalent in the country. Many protective homes have been opened for such harassed women in different parts of the country, ut these malpractice continues even there. This, however, is not to say that the future of women in india is altogether hopeless. There are many organization working for empowerment and enlightenment of women. It is a complex task but not impossible one. If I can change and You can change then definitely we all can change.